class on top of Rhino which was, at this time, sufficient for me to get things done.Later when I wanted regular testing during continuous integration, I looked for unit testing frameworks and found Tiest Vilee's RhinoUnit which did the job well. It felt much like JUnit, as implied by its name, and I had no problems using it. After some time I noticed Jasmine being referenced in several presentations and set out to try it. It is a behaviour-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code and does not depend on any other frameworks.
Jasmine and Rhino
Others have successfully ran Jasmine with Rhino using Envjs. (Here is a more detailed description how to do that.) Their intention was to test JavaScript used in web pages without launching a browser by using the simulated browser environment provided by Envjs. As I did not work in a browser environment this approach seemed wrong and I looked for alternatives. David Green used Jasmine on Rhino in his Rescripter, just providing missing global definitions and I worked on top of his code:
(function(global) { // timer functions from global for "jasmine.Clock" var timer = new java.util.Timer(); var counter = 1; var ids = {}; global.setTimeout = function(fn, delay) { var id = counter; counter += 1; ids[id] = new JavaAdapter(java.util.TimerTask, { run : fn }); timer.schedule(ids[id], delay); return id; }; ... })(this);
Standalone Rhino
The version of Rhino shipped with the JDK has been modified by Sun. For example the
has been removed, as written in this document by Oracle. As jasmine-rhino.js
(listed above) needs the JavaAdapter
to implement a TimerTask
, I used the standalone Rhino. To invoke it from javax.script
, there must be a ScriptEngineFactory
but the standalone Rhino does not provide any. Fortunately I found com.sun.phobos.script.javascript.RhinoScriptEngineFactory
on java.net.Jasmine Reporters
Jasmine uses reporters to report test failures in different formats. Larry Myers offers several useful Jasmine Reporters, e.g.
or jasmine.junit_reporter.js
which creates XML files suitable for JUnit report generation. These reporters expect an Envjs console and I found myself turning back to Envjs after all. But in the end I created my own console that delegated to the Ant task logger.Console = function() { var logger = { error : function(message) { self.log(message, 0); }, warn : function(message) { self.log(message, 1); }, ... }; return logger; }; this.console = new Console();To finally run Jasmine I created a spec runner (
) derived from Jasmine's original SpecRunner.html
which started the tests and waited for all of them to finish.this.execJasmine = function() { var jasmineEnv, apiReporter; jasmineEnv = jasmine.getEnv(); jasmineEnv.updateInterval = 100; apiReporter = new jasmine.JsApiReporter(); jasmineEnv.addReporter(apiReporter); jasmineEnv.execute(); while (!apiReporter.finished) { java.lang.Thread.sleep(100); } }; console.log('Jasmine loaded.');
Rhino and Ant
For continuous integration I added Ant support. Now Ant is not the newest nor hottest technology available but I know my way around. Inspired by RhinoUnit I load Jasmine code to execute in Rhino using Ant's
task. The script implementation iterates all files of all provided FileSet
s and calls runTest
with each file. Note that self
points to Ant's ScriptDefBase
task implementation by default.var testfailed = false; // helper methods and Ant attributes omitted var filesets = elements.get("fileset"); for (var j = 0; j < filesets.size(); j += 1) { var fileset = filesets.get(j); var directoryScanner = fileset.getDirectoryScanner(project); var srcFiles = directoryScanner.getIncludedFiles(); forEachElementOf(srcFiles, function(srcFile) { var jsfile = new java.io.File(fileset.getDir(project), srcFile); runTest(jsfile); if (testfailed && haltOnFirstFailure) { self.fail("Jasmine failed."); } }); } if (testfailed) { self.fail("Jasmine failed."); }Each source file, supposed to be a Jasmine spec, is loaded and executed. I created a special Jasmine reporter,
, to get the number of failed tests back from Jasmine to record failures.function runTest(file) { var failingTests; // helper methods omitted try { Load.file(file); } catch (e) { erroringTestMessage(file, e); testfailed = true; } failingTests = this.jasmine.getEnv().countsReporter.failingTestNames(); if (failingTests.length > 0) { forEachElementOf(failingTests, function(testName) { failingTestMessage(testName); }); testfailed = true; } }(See the complete integration working here.)
Although I was reusing a lot from
and copying from David and others, to integrate Jasmine, Rhino and Ant took me much longer than I had expected. While this might be a general statement about any coding task, I am wondering if I should have went with one of the existing solutions...
Thanks for this great post, it was really useful to me. I took this stuff and got it working under Maven too. Blogged about it here.
Thanks again, Code Cop!
Thank you for letting me know. I am happy this is useful for someone at least ;-)
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