3 December 2017

PMD Check and Report in same build

lane one, lane twoI am working together with senior developer and (coding) architect Elisabeth Blümelhuber to set up a full featured continuous delivery process for the team. The team's projects use Java and are built with Maven.

Using PMD for Static Code Analysis
After using Jenkins for some time to run the tests, package and deploy the products, it was time to make it even more useful: Add static code analysis. As a first step Elisabeth added a PMD report of a small set of important rules to the Maven parent of all projects. PMD creates a pmd.xml in the target folder which is picked up by Jenkins' PMD Plugin. Jenkins displays the found violations and tracks changes over time, showing a basic trend graph. (While SonarQube would be more powerful, we decided to stay with Jenkins because the team was already "listening" to it.)

Breaking the Build on Critical Violations
I like breaking the build on critical violations to ensure the developers' attention. It is vital, though, to achieve the acceptance of the team members when changing their development process. We thus started with a custom, minimal set of rules (in src/config/pmd_mandatory.xml) that would break the build. The smaller the initial rule set is the better. In the beginning of adding static code analysis to the build process, it is not about the code but getting the team aboard - we can always add more rules later. The first rule set might even contain a single rule, e.g. EmptyCatchBlock. Empty Catch blocks are a well known problem when analysing defects and usually developers agree with the severity of having them in the code and accept breaking the build for that. On the other hand, breaking the build on minor or formatting issues is not recommended in the beginning.

Here is the snippet of our pom.xml that breaks the build:
        ... other settings
This is more or less taken directly from the PMD Plugin documentation. After running the tests, PMD checks the code.

Keeping a Report of Major Violations
We wanted to keep the report Elisabeth had established previously. We tried to add another <execution> element for that. As executions can have their own <configuration> we thought that this would work, but it did not. PMD just ignored the second configuration. (Maybe this is a general Maven issue. For example the Maven Failsafe Plugin is a copy of the Surefire plugin to allow both plugins to have different configurations.)

The PMD plugin offers a report for the Maven site which is configured independently. As a workaround for the above problem, we used the site report to check the rules listed in src/config/pmd_report.xml. The PMD report invocation created the needed target/pmd.xml as well as a readable target/site/pmd.html.
    ... other plugins
        ... other settings
Skipping Maven Standard Reports
Unfortunately mvn site also created other reports which we did not need and which slowed down the build. Maven standard reports can be selected using the Maven Project Info Reports Plugin. It is possible to set its <reportSet> empty, not creating any reports:
    ... other plugins
            <!-- empty - no reports -->
Now it did not create the standard reports. It only generated target/site/project-reports.html with a link to the pmd.html and no other HTML reports. Win.

Skipping CPD Report
By default, the PMD plugin invokes PMD and CPD. CPD is checking for duplicate code - and is very useful - but we did not want to use it right now. As I said before, we wanted to start small. All plugins have goals which are explained in the documentation. Obviously the Maven report invokes PMD plugin's goals pmd:pmd and pmd:cpd. How do we tell a report which goals to invoke? That was the hardest problem to solve because we could not find any documentation on that. It turned out that each reporting plugin can be configured with <reportSets> similar to the Maven Project Info Reports Plugin:
    ... same as above
Putting Everything Together
We execute the build with
mvn clean verify site
If there is a violation of the mandatory rules, the build breaks and Maven stops. Otherwise site generates the PMD report. If there are no violations at all, Maven does not create a pmd.html. There is always a pmd.xml, so Jenkins is always happy.

(The complete project (compressed as zip) is here.)

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