Last Friday an
Eclipse DemoCamp took place in Vienna. If you do not know, a DemoCamp is an "informal event for Eclipse enthusiasts to meet up and demo all the cool technology being built by the Eclipse community." (
Eclipse Wiki) The Vienna DemoCamp is usually a mixture of product presentations, local companies sharing their experience of how they use Eclipse and pure demos of the newest and hottest stuff, usually delivered by our DemoCamp veteran speaker
Tom. Roughly four hours of presentations are made perfect by additional two hours of space in between, filled with discussions, networking, food and free beer. And we make sure that there is
enough beer. Once we ran out of beer and since then we are haunted by the fear that we might not have enough which usually ends that everybody has to take some bottles home in the end ;-)

This was the 13th DemoCamp invitation by the Eclipse Foundation and the
8th DemoCamp held in Vienna. It went very well. In the last four years we have built a community of Eclipse enthusiasts and there are a few companies who actively support their employees in participating in the DemoCamp. The "word is spreading", and after two years I finally managed to bring a colleague to the DemoCamp, which is a huge success as people from my
employer are usually
not participating in any community activities.
We are organizing the DemoCamp in our free time and it is worth it but there are times when the tide is high and there is little time left for extra work involved in running an event for 60 to 80 people. Our Platinum sponsor
agent°ex supports us a big deal, still there are many things which need to be done. And we would like to do more like invite more speakers from abroad, have some games, give away free T-shirts and so on. To do that we need help. If you are enthusiastic and want to be part of this,
contact us. Your local Eclipse Community needs you!