So here is my Generic Build Server System Tray Notifier. After unpacking the zip you have to create a startup script or link executing the jar that looks like
<path to java 6>\bin\javaw.exe -jar BuildServerSystemTray.jar <path to config>
(Source is included in the zip.)Configuration
The notifier is generic and needs a properties file. The zip contains sample configurations for Anthill OS 1.7, Cruise Control 2.3 and Hudson 1.2. You will have to customise the configuration. At least the build server URL (
) has to be set accordingly. It should be easy to create configurations for other build servers, just set the proper value for the status.pattern
property. This property defines a regular expression matching the whole information about a build containing the project name, success or failure and build time. The regex grouping values status.name.group, status.value.group
and status.date.group
must be set accordingly.FAQ
Q: I was checking out the source, why is the package
used as top level namespace instead of org.codecop
? A: Kugel was my coder pseudonym in the 80ties when I started coding for Commodore 64. I'm using it from time to time when I'm feeling retro. Kugel is German for ball or sphere. The name was coined by my first coding buddy because I was quite overweight.
There is a new version 1.3 of the notifier available. It contains configuration templates for Jenkins as well as support for HTTPS and basic authentication (as needed for CloudBees). Download it from Bitbucket.
Bitbucket changed their URLs, the link above might not work any more. The current download page is here.
Bitbucket shut down my Mercurial repositories :-( The current download page is here.
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