I liked the story a lot. It made me think about our craft and the concept of mastery.
I believe that one major aspect of mastery is age. It is not necessary by itself but rather is a side effect of the time needed to master a subject. Masters are aged because they have been practising their craft for 30 years or more and still try to improve. Following this definition it is obvious that there can not be many masters of software development, because our industry is still young. Only a few like Uncle Bob are working in the industry long enough, whereas most of us have less than ten years of experience. The so-called senior developers with five years of experience are just young journeyman, if at all.

Still it seems that Josef is not earning five times more per hour than other workers. Could it be that master craftsmen are relatively underpaid because they put in extra work to create magnificent things? Maybe his rakes are expensive to compensate for the small number he is able to produce. That does not compare well to our industry. We (developers) are greedy. We expect a good salary matching our experience and competence. The more experience we have, the more money we want, which seems only fair. The never ending demand for IT professionals spoils us and salaries rise during the first years of junior developers' careers. At least they rise up to a certain point, which might be 15 years of experience, when we become "too senior" for most employers. But this is another story.
I do not know Josef Frauenschuh but I believe him to be a true master craftsman. Instead of bragging about his achievements, he is modest and admits that sometimes he even has to listen to outsiders to improve his rakes. He does not need titles of seniority, nor is he proclaiming himself to be a master. I guess he considers himself still a simple carpenter. He is a great example. Some of his modesty would suite us software people well, and I will start with myself.
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