GraphML is an XML-based file format for graphs. [...] It uses an XML-based syntax and supports the entire range of possible graph structure constellations including directed, undirected, mixed graphs, hyper graphs, and application-specific attributes. That should be more than enough to visualize any module dependencies. In fact I just need nodes and edges. My process to use GraphML is always the same:
- Start with defining or extracting the modules and their dependencies.
- Create a little script which loads the extracted data and creates a raw GraphML XML file.
- Use an existing graph editor to tweak and layout the diagram.
- Export the the diagram as PDF or as image.
Extracting the module information is highly programming language specific. For Java I used my JavaClass class file parser. For NATURAL I used a CSV of all references which was provided by my client. Usually regular expressions work well to parse
import, using
or include
statements. For example to analyse plain C, scan for #include
statements (as done in Schmidrules for Application Architecture. Unfortunately there is not much documentation available about Schmidrules, which I will fix in the future.)Create the XML
The next task is to create the XML. I use a little Ruby script to serializes a graph of nodes into GraphML. The used
class needs a name
and a list of dependencies
, which are Node
s again. save
stores the graph as GraphML.require 'rexml/document' class GraphmlSerializer include REXML # Save the _graph_ to _filename_ . def save(filename, graph) File.open(filename + '.graphml', 'w') do |f| doc = graph_to_xml(graph) doc.write(out_string = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>') f.print out_string end end # Return an XML document of the GraphML serialized _graph_ . def graph_to_xml(graph) doc = create_xml_doc container = add_graph_element(doc) graph.to_a.each { |node| add_node_as_xml(container, node) } doc end private def create_xml_doc REXML::Document.new end def add_graph_element(doc) root = doc.add_element('graphml', 'xmlns' => 'http://graphml.graphdrawing.org/xmlns', 'xmlns:y' => 'http://www.yworks.com/xml/graphml', 'xmlns:xsi' => 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance', 'xsi:schemaLocation' => 'http://graphml.graphdrawing.org/xmlns http://www.yworks.com/xml/schema/graphml/1.1/ygraphml.xsd') root.add_element('key', 'id' => 'n1', 'for' => 'node', 'yfiles.type' => 'nodegraphics') root.add_element('key', 'id' => 'e1', 'for' => 'edge', 'yfiles.type' => 'edgegraphics') root.add_element('graph', 'edgedefault' => 'directed') end public # Add the _node_ as XML to the _container_ . def add_node_as_xml(container, node) add_node_element(container, node) node.dependencies.each do |dep| add_edge_element(container, node, dep) end end private def add_node_element(container, node) elem = container.add_element('node', 'id' => node.name) shape_node = elem.add_element('data', 'key' => 'n1'). add_element('y:ShapeNode') shape_node. add_element('y:NodeLabel'). add_text(node.to_s) end def add_edge_element(container, node, dep) edge = container.add_element('edge') edge.add_attribute('id', node.name + '.' + dep.name) edge.add_attribute('source', node.name) edge.add_attribute('target', dep.name) end endLayout the diagram
I do not try to layout the graph when creating it. Existing tools do a much better job. I use the yEd Graph Editor. yEd is a Java application. Download and uncompress the zipped archive. To get the final diagram
- I load the GraphML file into the editor. (If the graph is huge, yEd needs more memory. yEd is just an executable Jar - Java Archive - it can get more heap on startup using
java -XX:+UseG1GC -Xmx800m -jar ./yed-
.) - Then I select all nodes and apply menu commands
Tools/Fit Node to Label
. This is because the size of the nodes does not match the size of the node's names. - Finally I apply the menu commands
or maybeLayout/Organic/Smart
. In the end it needs some trial and error to find the proper layout.
This approach is very flexible. The nodes of the graph can be anything, a "module" can be a file, a folder or a bunch of folders. In the example shown above, the nodes where NATURAL modules (aka files), i.e. functions, subroutines, programs or includes. In another example shipped with JavaClass the nodes are components, i.e. source folders similar to Maven multi module projects. The diagram below shows the components of a product family of large Eclipse RCP applications with their dependencies in a hierarchical layout. Pretty crazy, isn't it. ;-)

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