Workshop Unit Testing 101

TL;DR 3 day remote workshop (9am-5pm CEST) about Unit Testing 101, 27th to 29th of of September 2021.

I am happy to announce a public, three-day online workshop about Unit Testing on 27th to 29th of of September 2021. The workshop is a cooperation with Software Therapist Johannes Link.

Unit testing has become a critical activity for every software project. We use the results of our tests to get feedback on newly created code and we rely on the tests to protect us from regressions. While everybody has heard of (x)Unit, writing good unit tests is not as easy as it looks.

Target Audience
Developers with good knowledge of their programming language. No prior experience in unit testing is required.

You will learn
This workshop is an intensive, hands-on introduction to unit testing. We will explore the features of typical (x)Unit frameworks by writing tests. We will write parametrised tests and tests that check for exceptions. We will discuss clean and readable test code by - you guessed right - writing even more tests. We will write tests all day. At the end of the workshop you will have written umpteen unit tests in different ways, using different features and approaches. It will give you enough practise to start writing good unit tests on the next day.

unit testing, testing heuristics, JUnit, xUnit.

Mode of the workshop
The workshop will be online. You need to have access to tools like BlueJeans (video conferencing), Miro (online boards) and GitHub (code sharing). You also need an installed recent version of your Java or C# IDE (like IntelliJ or Visual Studio). The exercises are available for Java and C#. To check if another programming language is possible - and probably it is - please contact me. During the workshop you will listen to (short) presentations, work through exercises in groups, pairs and alone and have plenty of time to ask questions and discuss approaches.

Workshop time is 9am to 5pm CEST. Your attendance is required from 9am to 3pm CEST. After the online session you will have time for more practice and reflection at your leisure. The workshop will take place on 3 consecutive days, 27th to 29th of of September 2021.

  • There will be a maximum of 12 participants, guided by two trainers (Johannes Link and Peter Kofler).
  • The minimum number of participants is 6.
  • Workshop fee is EUR 1500.- plus VAT (20%).
  • Register by sending an .

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