larger structures, sometimes even changing the architecture of a system. During that discussion we came up with four different categories of larger refactoring which use different techniques and serve different goals:
- Replace whole parts
- Change the structure of components
- Similar change all over the place
- Other changes

Martin Fowler and Neal Ford say that architecture is the stuff that's hard to change later and replacing parts of the architecture involves a lot of work: Imagine (the highly theoretical example of) changing the programming language a system is written in or (a more common example of) moving from a monolith to a Microservice based architecture. These two examples already fall into different categories.
Replacing whole parts of the architecture
Massive changes like changing the UI technology or targeting another platform are possible but a lot of code has to be rewritten. Substitute Algorithm is a classic Fowler refactoring, and so is Substitute Architectural Decision. (This is my third try to name these category of changes.) Architectural Decisions are made to support non-functional requirements like performance, security, connectivity etc and when revisiting them later - with more domain knowledge - better alternatives might come up. Real examples of changing Architectural Decisions include:
- Replacing one relational database system with another
- Replacing your relational database with a NoSQL one
- Replacing UI technologies, e.g. moving from JSF to Vaadin
- Changing API technologies, e.g. moving from SOAP to REST
- Switching from a fat client to a client-server architecture
- Leap: Make the new design and use it immediately. (Only if the change is not too big.)
- Parallel Change: Make the new design and run both new and old simultaneously.
- Stepping Stone: Create a platform to bring the desired new design within reach.
- Simplification: Only implement part of the design now and add complexity bit-by-bit later.
- Hack it: Just do it and pay price later. (This is maybe not a real strategy ;-)
The next category is similar to Substitute Architectural Decision but is focused on the architectural building blocks - the components. Some examples are:
- Introduce or extract new component, module or package
- Remove or invert dependencies between components, e.g. remove cyclic dependencies
- Introduce layering, add a new layer, clean up layering violations
- Weaken potential trouble spots in the architecture, e.g. Butterfly, Breakable, Hub and Tangle

Sean Barow uses the term Code Refactoring for the refactoring defined by Fowler. Code refactoring focuses on software entities like classes, methods, fields and variables. Architectural refactoring involves code refactoring, which leads to confusion between the two. Working with dependencies needs extracting or moving classes, methods or fields. We can work each class or dependency at once, which supports an incremental approach.
Performing similar changes throughout the whole project
This is another category and it feels like Shotgun Surgery: A usually small change has to be repeated all over the place. While Shotgun Surgery is a code smell for feature logic, it is unavoidable if not required for consistent structure and usage defined by the architecture. For example let's assume we want to replace EasyMock with Mockito. Both libraries serve the same purpose and are used in a similar way, but their APIs are different. (Facing such a problem indicates that we are coupled to much to a used library - maybe we should have wrapped it, maybe not. But that discussion is outside the scope of this article.) Converting a single usage of EasyMock to Mockito is straight forward: We change the method invocations and execute the calls earlier or later in the test. The only problem is that we have hundreds of such cases. (Update 31st October 2018: Some people have pointed out that build tools and testing frameworks are not considered part of the architecture. In that case a migration between mocking libraries is misleading and I should have used another example. Still the idea is the same.) More examples of similar "Shotgun" changes are:
- Upgrading a major version of a library with breaking API changes
- Migrating between similar frameworks or libraries
- Changing or unifying coding conventions and fixing violations
- Consistently applying or changing aspects like logging or security
- Applying internationalization
These category is important, because some steps of both Substitute Decision and Refactor Structure need similar changes. The main challenge of these changes is the high number of occurrences. Changing conventions and aspects is a piece by piece work and can be done manually. Nevertheless some automation tool or script would help a lot. Even converting only basic scenarios, which often cover up to 80%, is a big win. Unfortunately some changes, e.g. migrating libraries, need to be done all at once. In such cases a Stepping Stone approach has worked well for me in the past: First wrapping the library piece by piece - incrementally - and then changing the wrapper and all invocations at once. Creating the wrapper is a lot of work. Again, automated migration removes the need for a wrapper. There are some options available, which I will cover in a future article.
I have not found a good name for this category. I used to call it Large Scale Refactoring, but I am not happy with that name. It is a similar or identical code refactoring applied to many places widespread throughout the code. It is a Widespread Architectural Change.
Other Architectural Changes
During our initial discussion, we also considered other refactoring. To be on the safe side, always allow a category of unknown things ;-). At the moment I have no real examples for them. These are smaller changes neither related to architectural decisions or structure nor are they widespread. I believe we find no examples because these are plain code changes and we do not consider them architectural even if they are related to the architecture of the applications in a way.

Next to the code we also can and should refactor the architecture of our applications. Architectural changes are expensive, still sooner or later things need to change if the application is in service just long enough. There are at least four categories of architectural refactoring:
- Substitute Architectural Decision
- Refactor Architectural Structure
- Widespread Architectural Change
- Other Architectural Changes
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